There are several ways you can install Modelur:
- Using universal RBZ installer.
- Via Extension Warehouse.
- Via SketchUcation Plugin Store.
We recommend you to use option #1 (universal RBZ installer) in order to ensure you install the latest version of Modelur.
To install a SketchUp Ruby plugin in RBZ format use the standard SketchUp installation procedure:
- We recommend logging into your computer as an admin before installing any Ruby scripts. This will make the installation go more smoothly and ensure that files get installed in the proper places.
- SketchUp 2016 and below: Select Window → Preferences (Windows) or SketchUp → Preferences (OS X).
SketchUp 2017 and above: Select Window → Extension Manager (Windows) or SketchUp → Extension Manager (OS X). The Preferences dialog box is displayed. - Click on Extensions. The Extensions panel is displayed.
- Click on the Install Extension button. The Open dialog box is displayed.
- Locate the Ruby zip file to install (.rbz).
- Click on the Open button. The Ruby plugin appears in the list of extensions.
Modelur Location #
Upon installation, Modelur is saved to Sketchup’s default Plugins folder, which resides at different locations, depending on the version of SketchUp you use:
- On Windows:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp ####\SketchUp\Plugins\
- On OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp ####/SketchUp/Plugins/
Preferences Location #
Files containing your Modelur preferences are stored
- On Windows: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Modelur
- On OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Modelur
All preferences are stored using standard JSON data-interchange format. Upon Modelur upgrade, these files will be automatically updated. In case you edit them manually and something doesn’t work, you can always restore them using the command available via SketchUp’s menu Extensions → Modelur → Restore default settings.
Installation problems #
If you encounter any problems with your Modelur installation, please do the following:
On Windows: #
- Delete \Modelur folder and modelur.rb file from C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp ####\SketchUp\Plugins\.
- Delete \Modelur folder from C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ (if it exists).
- Install the newest RBZ version of Modelur and try to license it (make sure you are online).
On OS X: #
- Delete \Modelur folder and modelur.rb file from ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp ####/SketchUp/Plugins/.
- Delete \Modelur folder from ~/Library/Application Support/Modelur/ (if it exists).
- Install the newest RBZ version of Modelur and try to license it (make sure you are online).