Envisioning the multi-year process
At URW, Urban Planning is about envisioning the multi-year process that will transform our properties into multi-use, live-work-play neighborhoods.
We deal with large sites that require the creation of layered urban fabrics that will connect over time the new city blocks, the new open green areas to the surrounding communities. In the visioning phase, it is crucial to get the stakeholders input and quickly generate scenarios of different street networks, different uses, different phases of development in order to evaluate the best path forward.
Modelur integration with SketchUp, Excel and City’s GIS database accelerate this process and opens-up the ability to quickly understand and control the value created, the density and the cost of each scenarios.Â
Beneficial to us and our clients
Warm in the Winter likes Modelur because it gives a quick and easy to use tool to keep track of the sizes and square meters of our architectural and urban design projects. The seamless integration with SketchUp allows us to quickly build volumes and do a number of studies of our projects that are beneficial to us and our clients.
Quick Evaluation of Site Potential
Modelur significantly enhances two stages of our urban design workflow and outcome. First, when we are exploring conceptual design and need to understand the possibilities of a site and brief. Using Modelur, we can quickly evaluate different typologies, heights, and urban layouts by comparing what FAR and floor areas we are achieving with each concept.
Second, we highly appreciate Modelur’s real-time connection between design and urban parameters when we are finalizing design proposals. It allows us to fine-tune building volumes and features to get to desired urban qualities and quantities. Since we started using Modelur, we can work a lot faster and be more exact at the same time.
      More responsible and transparent       Urban Planning and Design
Modelur represents an outstanding contribution to the development of operational tools for more creative and, at the same time, more responsible and transparent work in urban planning and design. We can now make well-informed decisions and create harmonized spatial interventions faster than ever.
Simple, but Powerful
With its many simple but powerful tools, Modelur enabled us to make a significant leap forward in most of the projects developed by our urban design department.
We can work better and faster. In fact, we have tools to design plots and buildings in a very easy way; we can control our drawing with accuracy and extract surfaces automatically. Besides, we appreciate an easy deployment for IT people and especially a convivial relationship with the developers that work hard to listen and answer to the expectations of their clients.
      Game-changer that Takes Burden      of Calculating Areas
Modelur has been a game-changer to study large and complex program mixes in some of the largest and most complex projects in distinct urban settings. Having real-time numbers and data throughout the modeling process takes the burden of calculating areas and helps us meet our clients’ requirements faster.
The Modelur Effect
I first came across Modelur when I was making the calculations for a redevelopment project in the center of Amsterdam. The common practice was to build a 3D model in Sketch-Up for the massing and subsequently to make the calculations in an Excel spreadsheet.
This became very stressful once we needed to compare multiple designs in a short period due to the time spent on doing the calculations as well as making sure they were accurate.
For us, Modelur has changed this part of the design process from being time-consuming and fraught with mistakes, to dynamic, accurate, and quick. By using Modelur, we’ve been able to channel the saved time back into our massing studies. This has improved the overall quality of our designs. We’ve come to call it the ‘Modelur effect.’Â
Email us at:
AgiliCity d.o.o.
Pri malem kamnu 11,
SI-1210 Ljubljana
Slovenia (EU)