Once Modelur is installed you have two options to initialize it. The first option is to click on the blue icon in Modelur Toolbar. This toolbar shows up once Modelur is installed (Figure 3.01).

Figure 3.01 – Modelur Toolbar. If the toolbar is not visible, you can open it via SketchUp menu View → Toolbars → Modelur. To initialize it, click on the blue Modelur icon. This toolbar can be stacked next to other toolbars in SketchUp.
Second option to initialize Modelur is to navigate to it through SketchUp menu Extensions → Modelur → Initialize Modelur (Figure 3.02).

Figure 3.02 – Alternative way to initialize Modelur through SketchUp menu Plugins → Modelur → Initialize Modelur. Please note that Plugins menu was called Extensions in previous versions of SketchUp.
Once Modelur is initialized, its user interface is opened and you can start working.
If you want to get a better understanding of Modelur’s user interface, please see our User Interface Overview Guide.