Parameters work hierarchically in Modelur. This means that the object (eg. Building) first looks if its parameter in question (eg. Number of Storeys) is defined. If yes, it uses it. If not, it uses the Parameter from its parent object, which is either a Complex Building (if the Building is part of Complex Building) or City Block. If the Building finds the parameter value in its parent object, it uses it. If not, it looks further up all the way to the Whole Plot, which is a top-most object in Modelur and holds all Parameters needed to define a Building (Figure 3.08).

Explanation: BUILDING 1 has no parameter defined, so it looks it up from its parent, CITY BLOCK 1. Since CITY BLOCK 1 also has no parameter specified, it looks it up from the WHOLE PLOT, where it finds both parameters, which are in turn applied to the BUILDING 1. On the other hand, BUILDING 2 has specified Parameter for Number of Storeys (2) so it looks no further. But it’s missing Land Use Parameter which can again be found in the WHOLE PLOT.
Now that you understand how objects hierarchy works in Modelur, all you need to remember is the hierarchy order itself (bottom-up): Building → Complex Building → City Block → Whole Plot.
Hold down Shift key to use mouse scroll
If you press Shift key while hovering over parameter input field, you can also use mouse scroll to change number. Use Shift+Ctrl to increase the step by factor 10.
Overloaded Parameters #
From now on we will call the Parameters that are defined for specific Buildings “overloaded” Parameters. This term applies only to the specific Parameters of specific Buildings. Eg. when we define Parameter for Number of Storeys in Building A, but not in Building B, only the Building A has overloaded parameter for Number of Storeys. We can quickly check which Parameters are overloaded by selecting the Building in question and opening Building tab in Modelur User Interface (Figure 3.09). There – under Selected Building Parameters panel – all overloaded Parameters are checked and ready to be changed. This is also the place to initialize overloaded Parameters. If we want to change, eg. Land Use of the Building, go ahead – check it and change its value.

Figure 3.09 – You can quickly check if some of the Building Parameters are overloaded in Selected Building Parameters panel (under Building tab). If checkbox is marked, the Parameter is overloaded; this means that the Building will not change when value of this parameter is changed in its superior object (Whole Plot or Parametric Map). If you do not want the Building to have any parameter overloaded, simply click on a Restore button inside Selected Building Parameters panel.
Please note that overloading / changing one Parameter might also overload other, connected parameters. For example, when you overload Number of Storeys parameter, this will also overload Building Height and Gross Floor Area Parameters, as they are directly connected to Number of Storeys. In other words, when Number of Storeys change, Building’s Height and Gross Floor Area change, too.